University College of Osteopathy has joined AECC University College, and as of 1 August 2024, is now the UCO School of Osteopathy within Health Sciences University (HSU). More information

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Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust Donation

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust has generously bestowed a donation of £250,000 on the University College of Osteopathy. The donation is the largest amount ever donated by the Trust to one single charity in its history.

The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust has been a long-term supporter of the UCO. Previous donations have helped fund a number of resources at the academic institution including a lecture theatre and clinic treatment rooms. Alan Diamond OBE also generously sponsored the UCO’s centenary reception at St James’s Palace in 2017 and was Chair of the capital appeal to relocate the UCO (then BSO) to its current location in 1997. Alan Diamond was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Bedfordshire in 2009 in recognition of his lifetime of philanthropy.

Of the most recent donation, £100,000 has been allocated to research in peripheral neuropathy, further details of which will be announced shortly.
Charles Hunt, Vice-Chancellor of the UCO says:

“We are extremely grateful to  Alan Diamond OBE and the Alan and Sheila Diamond Trust for their ongoing support and commitment to the University College of Osteopathy, which enables us to continue to champion osteopathy, educate the osteopaths of tomorrow and deliver high-quality, affordable care for our patients. 

“This latest donation will enable us to push forward in new directions and to contribute further to ongoing research in peripheral neuropathy, and we look forward to sharing news of these developments in the near future.”

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