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Class of 1977 reunion

The 1977 graduating year have been meeting every five years to keep in touch with each other and celebrate their ever expanding time in the profession.

Of the nineteen graduates in 1977, fifteen or so regularly manage to attend the reunions though we suffered the sad loss of one of our number, Caroline Woodhead earlier this Summer.

As 2017 marked the 40th anniversary of graduating, we decided to make a special weekend of it. Accordingly, Cathie Walters and Neil Mellerick arranged for the year group, accompanied by partners, to stay in the auspicious surroundings of Jesus College, Cambridge in early October, and have dinner in the 12th Century Prioress's Dining Room in the heart of the college. 

Dinner on Saturday was preceded by attendance at the sung evensong service in Kings College chapel then a champagne reception before dinner. On the Sunday morning the group enjoyed a guided tour of some of the lesser known parts of Cambridge before departing to various far flung parts of UK and Ireland. 

We all had a thoroughly good time renewing aquaintance and meeting partners. With a nod to our increasing ages, we are now minded to make this a three yearly event!

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