On Thursday 24 November the UCO held its annual graduation ceremony at Bridge Theatre, SE1.
Senior Practice Educator and UCO alumna Yinka Fabusuyi has been awarded with the Institute of Osteopathy’s President’s...
The Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust have kindly sponsored a one-year post-doctoral post for former UCO student...
What’s it like to be a
UCO Community Healthcare Networking Event in Collaboration with Healthwatch Southwark
Satpal Bansal is one of our Senior Practice Educators (SPE’s) at the UCO.
Happy Pride Month! It's a time of celebration and there is much to celebrate!
As a society we know we need to eat less meat, but our bodies also need protein.
Fibre is the term for non-digestible carbohydrates found in the diet. There are lots of different substances classed as...
Why do we need water?
People are more conscious than ever about food waste. It’s a waste of money in a time when a lot of us and worse off...
The World Health Organisation recommends that everyone eats at least 400g (five 80g portions) of fruit and vegetables a...