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UCO International Education Conference 2019 - Event review

The UCO International Education Conference was held on 7 December and attracted delegates from as far a field as Australia and South Korea. The theme of the conference was focussed on clinical education and assessment.

Brett Vaughan from Melbourne University, Australia opened the day with a keynote entitled “How to educate osteopathic clinicians”. He elegantly presented recent research into clinical assessment and effective clinical teaching and learning. Brett also stepped into the platform presentation sessions and presented additional work in the place of colleagues from France who were unable to attend at short notice.

Steven Vogel from UCO gave the after lunch keynote and covered skills needed to support students use of evidence based practice. It reflected Brett’s earlier keynote in stressing the need for authentic role modelling as an important mode of teaching. The final keynote of the day was from Dr John Hammond, whose research at Kingston University addresses attainment inequalities. John’s sensitive and thought provoking presentation highlighted the need for practical whole system approaches to address issues of inequality that affect attainment and institutional culture.

Selected short presentations ran in two themed sessions and provided a wealth of interesting work for the audience to consider from, feedback to research curricular – there was material relevant to everyone involved in educating clinicians. Workshops addressing continuing professional development for educators and the nature of personhood provided practical learning opportunities for the delegates.

Special thanks go to our French colleagues who managed to attend despite national strikes and to the delegates who participated and made the day such a success.

See some tweets from the conference below:

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