University College of Osteopathy has joined AECC University College, and as of 1 August 2024, is now the UCO School of Osteopathy within Health Sciences University (HSU). More information

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UCO statement on COVID-19 vaccine

As the COVID-19 vaccination programme continues in the UK and across the world, Charles Hunt, Vice-Chancellor, has released the following statement on behalf of the UCO.

"The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented impact on the social, mental and physical health of the global population. It is only now, more than a year since the beginning of the pandemic, that through remarkable medical and scientific innovation there are several safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19 which should bring a return to a degree of pre-pandemic life and save lives by preventing the illness in the most vulnerable.

"As health professionals, osteopaths have been able to contribute to the vaccination roll out and help administer the COVID-19 vaccine, and it’s great to see several UCO staff take on this crucial role. Osteopaths also have a role in helping their patients access reliable and credible information regarding vaccines to support shared decision-making and health promotion.

"We recognise that individuals may have a range of views and beliefs with regards to vaccination. However, the UCO supports the COVID-19 vaccination program, and our view is aligned with that of the NHS and Public Health England, that recommends that all adults should take up the offer of a COVID-19 vaccination (when not medically contraindicated).

"We feel strongly that only reliable and credible sources should be consulted for information on the COVID-19 vaccine (such as the NHS), and the UCO oppose the sharing of inaccurate, false and misleading information regarding the COVID-19 vaccine which may promote vaccine hesitant and anti-vaccination views and ultimately cost lives.

"Lead by UCO Associate Professor Dr Oliver Thomson, several members of the UCO faculty and osteopathy researchers from across the world contributed to paper published in the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine opposing vaccine hesitancy in osteopathy. You can read the full paper here."

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