University College of Osteopathy has joined AECC University College, and as of 1 August 2024, is now the UCO School of Osteopathy within Health Sciences University (HSU). More information

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Clearing can be a stressful time for young people but it doesn't have to be. Here's how you can support your child through the process.

Offer support and reassurance

Clearing is no longer the last resort. An increasing number of students find their place through Clearing every year and it's a valuable opportunity for your child to reconsider their options and to be open to new and exciting opportunities. 

Help them with their research

Encourage them to think about what they really want from their university experience. Is it a particular qualification or career path, to be living at or close to home, to be on a big campus or part of a smaller student community, or are there particular modules that are important to them?

Help them to consider options that match their requirements, even if they differ from what they originally had in mind, and research them thoroughly. You can get a good idea about what courses and providers can offer through university websites, social media channels and open days (if they are offering them), and by contacting the university with any questions you have.

At the UCO we are happy for parents/guardians to get in contact with us directly and can assist with any questions or concerns you may have. You are also welcome to join your child on our open days or for a tour of the UCO.

Understand the process

Understanding how Clearing works will enable you to support and guide your child through the process. Our How to apply through Clearing page talks through the steps, and you can find lots of Clearing guides and information on the UCAS website.

Help them prepare

When it comes to contacting the UCO (or another provider), your child needs to make the call. However, you can help them to prepare by making sure they have all the information they need to hand, that they have a list of any questions they want to ask, and that they feel calm. At the UCO we're a friendly team and we understand Clearing is a stressful process; remind your child that we are here to work through the process with them and to make sure we are the right fit for them.

Decision time

If your child has been given a verbal offer and has decided to accept it they need to add us as their Clearing choice on UCAS Track. We may give your child a deadline to do this - make sure they don't miss the deadline or they may risk their offer being withdrawn and offered to someone else. We will then confirm the offer through UCAS Track at which point their place is secured. 

Get their finances sorted

If your child has already applied for a student loan for a different course starting in 2022 they need to update their details with Student Finance England ASAP.

If they haven’t applied for finance yet but intend to, they will need to do it straightaway to ensure they receive their first loan in time for September 2022 entry. There is a small possibility they may not get your loan in time. More information can be found on the Student Finance England website.

You can also help their preparations for university by helping them to plan a budget. There are lots of free resources to help with this on websitessuch as Save the Student and Money Saving Expert. Lots of our students also recommend opening an account with Monzo or similar apps, which allow them to put caps on their spending and to monitor their transactions and balance easily on their phone.

Get ready for September

Once your child has accepted an offer we'll be in touch with information about what they need to do next, including any paperwork they need to complete, and plans for induction in September. Make sure they check this information carefully so they don't miss any deadlines.

Also encourage them to keep an eye on our social media channels and their inbox for email updates from us as we'll be sharing lots of useful information, advice and opportunities to help them prepare. 

Finally, if they have any questions remind them to get in touch with us - we're here and happy to help!  

Got a question or ready to apply? Contact us on 020 7089 5316 or