Central to the UCO's teaching and learning strategy is the integration of electronic learning (e-learning) resources to help enhance and direct the student learning experience.
BONE is the UCO's virtual learning environment (VLE). It provides a place for students to securely access a diverse range of learning materials to follow and build on their classroom based learning, as well as to undertake further self-directed study. Students can make use of a variety of resources, including narrated lecture videos, electronic books, discussion forums, video resources, copies of lecture materials and relevant research papers, providing them with access to learning materials suited to their learning needs.
UCO students also have free use of Anatomy TV, giving them unlimited access to comprehensive, accurate and detailed 3D models of the human body. Also used by the teaching faculty, this tool enables students to explore and virtually dissect the human body, giving unparalleled opportunity to interact with and understand human anatomy.
In the clinical setting students use TM2, the UCO clinic management software system. This allows them to monitor their patient appointments as well as report on and evaluate their own practice, enabling them to reflect on their progress as osteopaths and clinicians. Students are also able to access Physiotec, an exercise software programme embedded within TM2, which can be used to create bespoke exercise routines for patients and extend their understanding of the role of active intervention in rehabilitation and recovery.