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UCO outperforms sector average on gender pay gap

An internal review has revealed a gender pay gap of 6.06%1 between male and female staff at the UCO, considerably lower than the university sector average of 16.5% as reported by the Times Higher Education2, with 30 institutions reporting a gap in excess of 20%.

The gender pay gap demonstrates the difference in the average earnings of men and women across the UCO, and is not to be confused with Equal Pay, which concerns any difference in pay between men and women performing the same jobs or jobs of equal value.

The gender pay gap between male and female employees at the UCO can be attributed to the distribution of men and women across the staff structure, with a greater proportion of men in senior posts aligned with upper pay quartiles. The Vice-Chancellors group does however have an equal balance of genders.

The UCO is not legally required to publish gender pay gap data, but is committed to pay equality and sees this information as a key performance indicator for gender equality in the workplace.

Charles Hunt, Vice Chancellor said of the results:

"While we are proud to be ahead of the field on this issue, we are committed to continual monitoring and improvement in this area. We work hard to ensure consistency and fairness in our pay structure, and actively encourage flexible working, in every role, at every level, to ensure that our staff have the opportunity to work in a way that suits their career aspirations and home life.”

Median gender pay gap, based on hourly pay and data collected on 31 March 2017.

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