The UCO learning hub houses over 9,000 books as well as a selection of relevant e-books, DVDs and anatomical models; and a comprehensive collection of osteopathic journals.
Our helpful and knowledgable library team constantly monitor and replenish stock to ensure these resources are relevant and up-to-date, investing about £20,000 a year.
As well as the extensive collection of osteopathic resources, the library collection also includes publications covering subjects such as:
- medical ethics
- practitioner-patient relations
- professional education
- research methods and statistics
- sociology of medicine
- specialist areas of osteopathy such as paediatrics
- specialist medical areas such as immunology and sports medicine
- rare editions of important historical works.
Third Floor, UCO, 275 Borough High Street, London SE1 1JE
Opening hours
During term-time: Monday - Friday, 09:00-19:00; Saturday-Sunday, 10:00-19:00
Outside term-time: Monday - Friday, 09:00-17:00; Saturday-Sunday, Closed