Welcome to the UCO's Policies and Procedures webpage

UCO policies and procedures are developed to promote and support student achievement and to enhance and promote operational efficiencies at the UCO. Ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures are in place directly impacts on maintaining academic standards and quality assurance and enhancement at the UCO. They provide students and staff with clear processes to follow and ensure that actions and decisions are considered by appropriate individuals in a consistent and responsible way.

The UCO is currently progressing plans to merge with AECC University College from 1 August 2024, and updated policies and procedures will apply. Revised policies and procedures will be published on this page in due course.

If you have any questions about the published policies please contact quality@uco.ac.uk.

Please click on the links below to access the policies applicable to you.

Privacy Notices

This is also where we publish our Privacy Notices (public statements of how we apply data protection principles to processing data in compliance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018). Please click on the links below to view the relevant Privacy Notices:

Student Terms & Conditions

Please click on the link below to view our Student Terms and Conditions which are applicable to prospective and current students. These set out in detail the terms and conditions under which students will study with us:

Student Terms & Conditions (Intakes Prior to 2022)

Student Terms & Conditions (Intake 2022 Onward)


General Policies and Procedures (applicable to both students & staff)

Appropriate Policy Document

Children & Infants on UCO Premises Policy

Clinic Appointment Refund Policy

Clinic Correspondence Policy and Letter Template

Complaints Against Board Members Policy

Complaints Policy & Forms for Patients (General Clinic)

Complaints Policy & Forms for Patients (Associate Clinic)

Complaints Policy & Procedure for Supporters

Copyright & Digitisation Policy

CPD Development & Delivery Policy

Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Policy

Dignity at the UCO Policy

Our "Dignity at the UCO Policy" is about providing a safe and comfortable environment free from all forms of discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation and to treat each other with dignity and respect. The UCO has also adopted the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitsm and does not tolerate discrimination, bullying, victimisation or harassment of any kind.

Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Policy & Procedure

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Environmental Sustainability Policy

Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity Policy

Equality Impact Assessment Guidance

Ethical Policy

External Speaker Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Freedom of Speech Policy & Procedure

Health & Safety Policy

IT Acceptable Use Policy

Incident Reporting Procedure

Infection Prevention & Control Policy

Information Handling Policy

Information Security Policy

Legionella Prevention & Control Policy

Lost Property Policy

Password Policy

Personal Data Breach Management Policy

Prevention of Illegal Working Policy & Procedure

Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy

Records & Information Management Policy

Relationships Between Students & Staff Policy

Research Governance & Integrity Policy

Research Misconduct Policy

Rules & Responsibilities for the Conduct of Prescribed Assessments & Written Examinations

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Students and Staff from Violent and Aggressive Patients

Security Policy

Social Media Policy

Subject Access Request Procedure

Timetable Policy


Student Policies and Procedures (applicable to students only)

Academic Appeals Policy & Procedure (up to and including the 2021-2022 academic year)

Academic Appeals Policy & Procedures (from the 2022-2023 academic year)

Academic Discipline Policy & Procedures

Adjustments to Agreed UCO Timetable

Admissions Policy & Procedure

Attendance Policy 

Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure

Complaints Policy & Procedures

Course Fee Policy

Disability Policy

Examination & In-course Assessment Regulations

Family Leave Policy & Procedure

Fitness to Practise Policy (Osteopathy Students)

Fitness to Practise Policy (Nutrition with Professional Practice Students)

Health Policy for Students

Managed Support Plan

Osteopathic Technique Practice Policy

Osteopathic Treatment Policy (for Students Receiving Osteopathic Assessment & Treatment at the UCO)

Proofreading & Feedback on Draft Assessments Policy & Procedure

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy

Recording of Teaching Policy

Refund & Compensation Policy for Students

Special Circumstances Policy & Procedure - for UCO Students

Special Circumstances Policy & Procedure - for SMUG Students

Suspension of Studies & Withdrawal Policy

Student Charter

Student Protection Plan

Student Transfer Policy & Procedure

Students' Union Constitution

Student Welfare Policy