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Welcome to the UCO’s Academic Quality Framework (AQF)

This document sets out our procedures for the management of academic quality and standards in teaching and learning at the UCO. It has been produced in line with our Strategic Plan, our Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy and by the Quality Assurance Agency's UK Quality Code for Higher Education.

The UCO uses the processes and activities that are the subject of this Framework to support, assure and enhance academic standards and quality at the UCO. It brings together into one convenient source comprehensive information about our quality assurance processes and explains what it is we do, why we do it, and how it is done.

A summary and the recommended audience for each section of the Framework is provided below for ease of reference.

The Framework is reviewed annually; please scroll down to the end of this page to access the versions of the Framework that were in place for previous academic years.

Should you have any questions about the Framework or require any of the documents referenced within it, please contact  

UCO Staff may access the AQF documents referenced within the Framework via the UCO Portal.

Section 01: Welcome and Introduction

Summary:  Welcome to the Academic Quality Framework, Welcome for Student Readers, an introduction to and how to use the Academic Quality Framework.
Recommended Audience: All members of the UCO and Collaborative Partners.

Section 02: An Overview of Teaching and Learning at the UCO

Summary:  This section outlines the UCO's history and charitable status, the UCO's Mission and quality aims, the UCO's governance and academic structures, quality assurance and enhancement and the use of external reference points, internal quality assurance and enhancement, the UCO's Course Portfolio, academic resourcing, assessment and monitoring, student support and the Student Voice, managing information and the student record, and communication at the UCO.
Recommended Audience: All UCO faculty, academic management staff and students and Collaborative Partners.

Section 03: The Assurance and Enhancement of Academic Quality and Standards in Teaching and Learning at the UCO

Summary:  This section details the responsibilities for assuring and enhancing quality at the UCO as well as aligning with procedures in place at our validating partners, which adhere to national frameworks. The UCO’s governance structures are explained in the context of ensuring that responsibilities for quality are clearly defined and owned throughout the UCO.
Recommended Audience: Academic staff, particularly Course Leaders, Unit Leaders, Practice Educators, members of relevant UCO committees and Collaborative Partners.

Section 04: Course & Unit Approval and Modification

Summary:  This section details the processes that the UCO uses to design and approve new courses. It also details how changes may be made to courses and units following approval.
Recommended Audience: Course and Unit Leaders, and members of UCO committees, including Student Representatives, and Collaborative Partners.

Section 05: Evaluation, Reporting & Monitoring

Summary:  This section details the monitoring activity that takes place at the UCO and the processes used at the UCO for reporting annually on courses, facilities and services, including those for Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Bodies, i.e. the General Osteopathic Council to ensure that courses, units, facilities and services remain current and effective.
Recommended Audience: Course and Unit Leaders, and members of UCO committees, including Student Representatives, and Collaborative Partners.

Section 06: Periodic Review

Summary:  This section details the Periodic Review processes used at the UCO for course and institutional re-validation including those for Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Bodies, i.e.the General Osteopathic Council.
Recommended Audience: Course and Unit Leaders, and members of UCO committees, including Student Representatives, and Collaborative Partners.

Section 07: Academic Regulations

Summary:  This section details the UCO's Academic Regulations which ensure that the academic awards delivered and conferred by the UCO are comparable in standard with awards granted and conferred throughout the university sector in the United Kingdom. This section includes regulations on:

  • Awards & Courses
  • Admission & Registration
  • Assessment Regulations for Taught Degrees
  • Conferment

Recommended Audience: All members of the UCO and Collaborative Partners.

Section 08: Student Recruitment and Admissions

Summary:  This section details the UCO's student recruitment and admissions processes and responsibilities for these.
Recommended Audience: Academic management staff, members of Course Teams, applicants to the UCO and Collaborative Partners.

Section 09: Student Guidance and Learner Support

Summary:  This section details the responsibilities and services available at the UCO to ensure that students are provided with appropriate guidance and support, including details about the Student Support Team, the Registry Team, the Finance Team, and IT Team.
Recommended Audience: All UCO students and staff involved in the provision of support to students and Collaborative Partners.

Section 10: Student Voice

Summary:  This section details the engagement of students in monitoring and enhancing their student experience and the Student Voice mechanisms in operation at the UCO that enable students to provide feedback and suggestions, including the Student Representative system.
Recommended Audience: All UCO students and staff and Collaborative Partners.

Section 11: External Examining

Summary:  This section details the purpose of External Examiners and the moderation of courses, the processes for selecting and approving External Examiners and the roles and responsibilities regarding External Examining, including annual reporting.
Recommended Audience: All staff involved with the assessment and examination of students, particularly Course Leaders, External Examiners and Collaborative Partners.

Section 12: Boards of Examiners

Summary:  This section details the different types of Boards of Examiners in operation at the UCO and their role and responsibilities.
Recommended Audience: A staff involved with the assessment and examination of students on taught courses, particularly Course Leaders, External Examiners and Collaborative Partners.

Section 13: Staff Recruitment and Development

Summary:  This section details the mechanisms by which the UCO assures itself that all teaching faculty have the necessary skills, commitment and knowledge to teach effectively, including staff selection, line management, standards, development and performance management.
Recommended Audience: All UCO staff and Collaborative Partners.

Section 14: Access to Higher Education & Pre-Entry Courses

Summary:  This section outlines the quality assurance process for these particular courses.
Recommended Audience: All foundation and pre-entry level academic staff and students and Collaborative Partners.

Section 15: Academic Policies and Procedures

Summary:  This section provides information about the UCO's academic policies and procedures, including their alignment to external reference points and how they are reviewed and published.
Recommended Audience: All UCO staff and students and Collaborative Partners.

Section 16: Collaborative Activity

Summary:  This section details the quality assurance processes for developing, approving and monitoring collaborative activity at the UCO, including the quality assurance processes for identifying, approving and monitoring practice-based, work-based or placement education at the UCO. 
Recommended Audience: All UCO staff and prospective and existing Collaborative Partners including where practice-based education is undertaken as part of a course of study.

Section 17: Glossary of Terms

Summary:  This section includes a glossary of terms used throughout the Academic Quality Framework.
Recommended Audience: All UCO staff and students and Collaborative Partners.

Previous Versions of the AQF

AQF 2022-2023

AQF 2021-2022

AQF 2020-2021

AQF 2019-2020

AQF 2018-2019

AQF 2017-2018